This 15 minute guided meditation will take you into another dimension. A dimension not only of sight and sound, but of mind. It lies between the valley of your fears, and the summit of your knowledge. Welcome to the Lake of Tranquility.

Enter a world of peace, sit down next to the campfire and let the sounds of nature take you away 🙂

Sitting on the Lake of Tranquility

The flickering lights of a small campfire light up your surroundings. Next to the fire, you spot a small bunk of a tree. You decide to sit down on the bunk in a comfortable position, with your feet planted on the floor. Your hands rest comfortably in your lap. As you stare into the fire, you start taking deep breaths. Inhaling through the nose, exhaling through the mouth. You gently close your eyes.

Why focus on your breath during meditation?

By focusing on our breath, we tell our mind to observe what is happening to us. We can feel the cold air entering our nose and the warmer air exiting our lips. We can feel our chest rise as our lungs fill with fresh air. We want to feel all these sensations intensely.

Notice how deep and calm your breath has become as you move deeper and deeper into a state of relaxation

Bring your mind back from wandering

You may notice that your mind starts to wander off.

That’s okay.

That’s only natural.

Just notice it and bring your attention back to your body using your breath as your anchor.

Mindfulness is the art of being present and aware without judgment.

Kindle the fire inside you

Near the end of this meditation session, I want you to remember the fire in front of you. Imagine the flowing patterns of dancing lights. Feel the heat of the flames, the smell of burnt branches. It fills you with excitement and makes you want to clench your fists.

Feel the fire kindle inside you.

Now slowly, bring yourself to reality. You may stretch your limbs and open your eyes whenever you feel ready.

The Twilight Zone

I think you can tell I was quite a big fan of The Twilight Zone when I was a kid. The opening intros were always really eerie, and it helped set the tone for the strange episode to come. It made you pay attention and you just knew that you were about to watch something mind-blowing. I thought that style would fit a guided meditation video too. This is my first attempt at a guided meditation video, and I actually really enjoyed making it! Let me know in the comments if you want to see more mindfulness videos like this one.

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15 Minute Guided Meditation: Lake of Tranquility

Enter a Dimension of Mind(fulness)

This 15 minute guided meditation will take you into another dimension. It lies between the valley of your fears, and the summit of your knowledge. Welcome to the Lake of Tranquility.