You might feel surprised, because Shavasana (the corpse pose) looks exactly like napping. It feels like you’re doing it with no effort, how could it be the most beneficial one? Though it looks easy, there’s complexity behind the scenes, which makes it a difficult pose.
The Shavasana pose is best done with your eyes closed and in state of being emotionless, which makes a lot of people fall asleep. But the pose is intended to stay conscious, to feel the relaxation of your body and brain. And then, when your mind tries to stay awake, there will be countless thoughts squeezing in. Now you have a clue why I called it difficult.
It’s a natural tendency that our mind can’t stop whirling:
“What am I going to eat later?”
“Did I forget to email back?”
“The weather is lovely!”
I know!!!
It’s really hard to shut down. Trust me, I’ve been in that place before. So that’s very important for practice.
Imagine that your brain is an overloaded and non-stop processing machine. What we are doing is put it into rest mode. And your body is the tool to do so. Lie down and try to release every single part of the machine. Adjust your breath to turn on the bottom of relaxation. When you feel physically quiet, it is easier to let your brain rest.
Reports are showing that the Shavasana pose can be a great technique to relieve stress and it even makes people feel more energetic than an actual nap. You would probably feel more tired after a low-quality sleep.
Lie down flat on your mat. Open your arms as wide as you feel comfortable but your shoulders should stay relaxed. Your feet are far from each other with tiptoes pointing outward. It’s okay to either reach the edge of the mat or not.
Close your eyes and take deep breaths. Make them slow and settled. In the meanwhile, relax every part of your body, beginning from head to toes, or from toes to head.
You might feel emotions come and go. You could feel depressed, sadness, or stress. Let it all out and don’t forget to surrender, embrace it, and LET IT ALL GO.
Not only does it bring relaxation, but apparently it changes your gender every 10 seconds too
Realize you are creating a path to stillness and inner peace. You might feel surprised how amazing it is with just 3 to 5 mins of daily practice. As my personal experience, it’s even a great start for meditation. Why don’t we hop on the mat and enjoy this magical moment?